1) Always follow all relevant safety rules and regulations of the OHSAct.
2) Always be sure to wear protective equipment such as eyewear,boots,hardhats,gloves and hearing protection.
3) Impact tools have a limited lifetime, therefore look for signs of wear and discard immediately if required!
4) Always be sure to have a safe footing and use properly trained people.
Occupational Health &
Safety Policy Statement
Tingelo Enterprises is committed to developing and applying effective occupational health and safety systems, standards and practices. Tingelo Enterprises delivers its OHS programme through structured implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety standard OHSAS 18001.
We are committed to provide an environment where work related health and safety risks are controlled to prevent injuries and occupational ill health. We also commit to comply with all National government and regulatory OHS requirements.
Develop employee OHS competency through effective training and leadership at all levels within the organization, and to investigate the causes of work related injuries and ill health and take action to prevent recurrence. Tingelo Enterprises will review its progress and policy to ensure that all employees are safe at all times.